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Friday, March 28, 2008

The 108th Anniversary of the Victoria Institution Cadet Corps (VICC Infantry)

On the 25th March 2008, ex-cadets of the Victoria Institution Cadet Corps (VICC Infantry) held a gathering dinner at the VIOBA clubhouse to celebrate the 108th anniversary of the VICC Infantry. The purpose of the dinner was to discuss the problems faced by our present cadets in facing the nearest future and how to move the VICC Infantry forward.

Dinner started at 8.00 p.m. All ex-cadets had the opportunity to share their memories in the VICC after leaving the school for so long. There were 20 ex-cadets present from the batches of 1991,
1993, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2002 and 2003. Present cadets were also there to join the special occasion. The meeting started at 9.00 p.m., chaired by Muhammad Ramdan Susami (1999) to discuss the problems faced by VICC and what the ex-cadets could do to bring back the glory days of VICC Infantry. As result of the meeting, a committee and a fund was established for the VICC Infantry. The meeting adjourned at 11.00 p.m. We hope that more ex-cadets can join us for the next meeting that would be held in the future.


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Esprit De Corp

Come 25th March 2008, PKBM Infantry turns 108 years old. In remembrance of the formation of PKBM, VIOBA will be hosting a Fund Raising Dinner themed Gempur Wira.

All funds raised will be channeled towards PKBM VI. For any enquiries, kindly contact MR. Rashdan Rashid at 012-2055296 or 013-2945096 or 016-9746296.

Date: 25th March 2008
Time: 6-11pm
Venue: VIOBA Clubhouse
Price: RM20/- per pax