Date: 18th May 2008
Time: 9.00am - 5.30pm
Venue: Ampang Sports Planet
Fees: RM250.00 per team
Programme Details:
0900 - Registration of participants
0930 - Arrival of TM Group Finance Officer, Datuk Bazlan Othman
0945 - Official Launching by the guest of honour (V.I.O.B.A.)
1000 - VIOBA Inter batch Kick-off
1300 - Lunch Break
1400 - Arrival of YB Datuk Haji Mohd Shafie Bin Haji Apdal, Minister of National Unity, Culture, Arts and Heritage and all VIPs.
1430 - Official Launch of Futsal Perpaduan 2008 by YB Datuk Haji Mohd Shafie Bin Haji Apdal
1445 - Press Conference and performance by local artists (Duta, Coffee Tea and Nadia's Picture Show)
1500 - Futsal Perpaduan Kick-Off
1700 - Soft Launch of VIOBA SJAA Union Cup / Exhibition match
1720 - Final matches
1800 - Prize Giving Ceremony
1830 - End of event
- Annual Shield for the Champion
- Medals for the Top 4 teams
- Goody bags giveaway and t-shirt for each participant
- Food and beverages provided
- 20% discount for VIOBA lifetime member (Individual basis)
- Old Girls Association (OGAs) tournament (invitational)
- Tournament among famous local celebrities (invitational)
- Charity Drive Fund Raiser for Natural Disaster Victims in China and Myanmar
For more information, please contact Rezza 012-6550244 or Rashdan 012-2055296 .
Organised by DIPS in collaboration with SJI96 and Stereo Pixels.